Catholic Social Teaching

See also Economy, Health Care, Poverty, Discrimination, War & Peace, Iraq, Middle East, International Development, Human Rights, Environment, Immigration, Family, Abortion, Crime & Death Penalty, Political Life


Bernard Brady, Essential Catholic Social Thought (Orbis Books, 2008)

William Byrne, "Ten Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching," America, October 31, 1998

Center of Concern, Education for Justice

Peter Henroit, Edward DeBerri, Michael Schultheis, Catholic Social Teaching: Our Best Kept Secret, 1992

Kenneth R. Himes, Responses to 101 Questions on Catholic Social Teaching, 2001

Fred Kammer, Doing FaithJustice: An Introduction to Catholic Social Thought, 1991

Chris Korzen & Alexia Kelley, A Nation for All: How the Cathoic Vision of the Common Good Can Save America from the Politics of Division, 2008

Thomas Massaro, Living Justice: Catholic Social Teaching in Action, 2000

Judith Merkle, From the Heart of the Church (Liturgical Press, 2004)

Marvin Mich, Catholic Social Teaching and Movement (Twenty-Third Publications, 1988)

USCCB, "Seven Key Themes of Catholic Social Teaching."

USCCB, Catholic Social Teaching Quotes

Scholarly Books

Clarke E. Cochran and David Carroll Cochran, Catholics, Politics and Public Policy: Beyond Left and Right, (Orbis. Books, 2003)

John A. Coleman, S.J., editor, One Hundred Years of Catholic Social Thought (1991)

John A. Coleman and William F. Ryan, eds., Globalization and Catholic Social Thought: Present Crisis, Future Hope (2005).

Charles E. Curran, Catholic Social Teaching, 1891-present: A Historical Theological & Ethical Analysis (2002)

Judith Dwyer, editor, The New Dictionary of Catholic Social Thought (1994)

Dennis Hamm and Gail S. Risch, eds., "Faithful Citizenship: Principles and Strategies that Serve the Common Good," Journal of Religion & Society (2008).

John Haughey, editor, The Faith That Does Justice - Examining the Christian Source for Social Change , 1977

Kenneth Himes (editor), Modern Catholic Social Teaching, 2004

Michael Himes and Kenneth Himes, Fullness of Faith: The Public Significance of Theology (Paulist Press, 1993)

David Hollenbach, The Common Good and Christian Ethics, 2002

Thomas Massaro & Thomas Shannon (editors), American Catholic Social Teaching, 2002

John Courtney Murray, We Hold These Truths: Reflections on the American Proposition, 2005

David O'Brien & Thomas Shannon (editors), Catholic Social Thought: The Documentary Heritage, 1992

Catholic Social Teaching by Topic

Economy, Health Care, Poverty, Discrimination, Faith-Based Initiative, War & Peace, Iraq, Middle East, International Development, Human Rights, Environment, Immigration, Family, Abortion, Crime & Death Penalty, Political Life

Notable Quotations from Catholic Social Teaching by Topic


USCCB on Domestic Issues and International Issues

"Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship," November 2007

Major Statements

Education for Justice

Second Vatican Council

Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, December 7, 1965

Dignitatis Humanae, December 7, 1965

Synod of Bishops

Justice in the World, 1971

Papal & Vatican Documents

Papal and Vatican Documents on Catholic Social Teaching

"Social Justice," Catechism of the Catholic Church, #Part 3, section 1, chapter 2, article 3.

Pontifical Council for Justice & Peace, Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2005)

Other Resources

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