Catholics for Obama
Barack Obama

Take Action

Here’s how you can be active with Catholics for Obama/Biden:

Sign the Petition

If you are Catholic and support President Barack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden for re-election, please make sure to sign our petition endorsing their candidacies.

Forward the Petition to Family Members and Friends

Please make sure you forward the petition to as many Catholic friends and family members as possible and ask them to sign the petition.

Invite a Friend

Post an invite on your website or email your friends.


Copy this link and paste it on your site:

Advertising and Leafleting

You can help make the Catholic case for Senator Obama with our advertisements. We are making the advertisements available to our supporters for placement in local newspapers. Additionally, you can use them to distribute as leaflets at community centers, transportation stops, and public spaces. Please do not distribute at your parish. Catholic Democrats supports only information approved by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in sacred spaces.

Pray – Prayer for America

Prayer should always be at the center of our lives. We feel good when we do, but most of us struggle to make time for being with God in this way. While you are here, why not take a moment and say the Prayer for America in service to God and one another?

Host a House Party

Undecided Catholic voters represent an important swing vote this election. Host a House Party for your undecided friends, family members or acquaintances. Catholic Democrats sponsored nationwide house parties in conjunction with the historic all-Catholic Vice-Presidential debate in Kentucky on October 11, 2012.

Volunteer for the Obama Campaign

The Obama-Biden campaign is still looking for volunteers to help. If you are Catholic and live in a battleground state, go to the Obama-Biden campaign Web site to sign up for volunteer opportunities.

If you don’t live in a battleground state, there are still opportunities for you to help

If you live in a non-battleground state, you can still help the campaign by phone banking, sign-making, writing letters to the editor, etc. Make sure you visit the campaign Web site to see how you can help.

Join Catholic Democrats

Are you a Catholic who believes in promoting Catholic Social Teaching in the public square and within the Democratic party to address the daunting challenges that face the nation? Join Catholic Democrats – we are growing every day and making a difference!

Add your voice with Catholics across the country to support President Obama!
Martin Sheen--Actor, Catholic activist, 2008 welcome message
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